Monday, 18 May 2015

Iron Oxide Powder: Varied Number Of Applications

Iron oxide powder
Iron oxide powder | Image Resource :

Iron oxide or ferric oxide is made up of oxygen and iron. It is an inorganic compound which occurs naturally in the form of mineral magnetite. The researchers are still trying their best to find out where this compound can be generally used.

Some of the major applications of iron oxide powder include:

Iron industry: Iron oxide powder is highly used in steel and iron production. There are several steel and iron industries that can consume iron oxide powder quickly.

Polishing: The powder of iron oxide is also used for polishing jewelry and lenses. Mostly used by jewelers, the fine powder of iron oxide is used for achieving fine finishing in metallic jewelry. It is also used for polishing clothes and solid bars. It is also highly used in ultrasonic cleaning.

Magnetic recording: Iron oxide is one of the most common magnetic particles that are highly used in almost all kinds of magnetic storage devices and recording. Magnetic tape recording is also performed with the help of iron oxide.

Photo catalyst: For more than 25 years, iron oxide is being studied for its property of photo anode and water splitting. Thus, now one of the major uses of iron oxide also involves photo catalyst.

Medicine: Calamine and calamine lotion is effectively used as a medicine and is highly useful for the skin too. Calamine is prepared by mixing iron oxide with zinc oxide. The major portion of calamine is zinc oxide and only 0.5% of iron oxide is mixed along.

Coating: Iron oxide is also highly used in coating other materials like wire and plastics. They are also used in the production of nano wires and nano fibers.

Tumor study: Iron oxide has been highly used for studying tumor. Magnetic resonance imaging can be achieved with only very low concentrations as well.

The above listed usage of iron oxide powder is the reasons behind its popularity in the market. However still there are number of researches going on to see how iron oxide can be useful in many other fields of sciences as well.

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