Monday, 15 June 2015

The Power Of Magnetic Particles In Modern Technology!

magnetic particles
Magnetic particles | Image Resource :

The magnet has its effect on a number of things and in modern technology it is extremely use with this feature in a number of ways. The magnetic particles are usually found with ferromagnetic metals such as iron and steel. There are different techniques of inspection of these particles. The primary testing systems are ultrasonic, radiographic as well as visual and hydrostatic methods.

The ways of inspection of Magnetic particles:

There are various techniques that are used for inspection of these tiny atoms. They are tested in the form of a dry powder as well as in a wet form where they are mixed with a carrier that can be water based or petroleum based. The dry magnetic particles are easier to check rather the wet form.

The better way of Magnetic particles testing:

Well, there are many ways of testing these particles. However, every method has its pros and cons but the better way for testing the magnetic particles is known as fluorescent wet. In this method the particles are wet with the carrier that can help to flow them easily from even the minutest leakage also that helps to detect the leakage easily and immediately. The testing of these particles can be applied to various materials such as raw materials, and complete manufacturing process or its parts also.

These particles are not limited with any size of the particles that can be tested only. However, the low of current need to vary as per the size of the particles that are to be tasted as the bigger size may need high current. The inspection needs to be carried in two different directions that are longitudinal as well as circumferential.

Hence there are better ways to check these particles with modern techniques as there are a number of industries such as Nano fibres where these particles are used and the future of this particles is also brilliant as the Nanotechnology can change the implementation of the particles to various industries that can provide better and more accurate results of the testing of these particles. The tests can be done at any moment before or even after the plating.

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